Department of Physics and Nanotechnology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology
College of Engineering and Technology, SRM Institute of Science and Technology
Weather near SRM IST :
(forecast valid for 24/01/2025)
Rainfall :No Rainfall
Wind speed : Moderate wind speed
Temperature : Max : 28, Min : 18
Relative Humidity: Max : 97, Min : 61
2nd International Conference on the
Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone :
Gateway of Surface pollutants to the stratosphere
The Asian summer monsoon anticyclone (ASMA) is an important component of the circulation system that enables direct transport of surface pollutants and climate-active gases to the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. Observational and modelling studies confirm that the ASMA confines maximum concentrations of surface trace gases such as CH4, CO, HCN. The strong anticyclonic circulation couples their convective transport during the Asian summer monsoon with their entrainment deep into the stratosphere. This unique dynamical situation is characterized by warm tropospheric air overlaid by cold stratospheric temperature anomalies, and frequent occurrence of cirrus clouds. The ASMA has recently drawn much attention within the scientific communities and unprecedented campaigns using ground-based instruments and research aircrafts are being carried out in order to understand associated sources and transport pathways. The International ASMA Conference will highlight the current status of how the ASMA variability and dynamical mechanisms link to the stratospheric entrainment of surface trace gases. Future plans and prospects will be discussed.