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Kakkanattu, S.P., Mehta, S.K., et al., 2023

Kakkanattu, S. P., Mehta, S. K., Purushotham, P., Betsy, K. B., Seetha, C. J., and Musaid, P. P., “Continuous monitoring of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) height from micro pulse lidar over a tropical coastal station, Kattankulathur (12.82° N, 80.04° E)”, <i>Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics</i>, vol. 135, no. 1, 2023. doi:10.1007/s00703-022-00938-x.

Ali, S., Mehta, S.K., et al., 2022

Ali, S., Mehta, S.K*., Ananthavel, A., and Reddy, T. V. R. (2022): Temporal and vertical distributions of the occurrence of the cirrus clouds over the coastal station in the Indian monsoon region, Chem. Phys., 22, 8321–8342,

Annamalai, V and Mehta, S.K. 2022

Annamalai, V & Mehta*, S. K. (2022). Extreme Variability of the Tropical Tropopause over the Indian Monsoon Region. Climate Dynamics,, IF: 4.705

Reddy, T.R.,  Mehta, S.K., et al., 2021

Reddy, T. R., Mehta*, S. K., Ananthavel, A., Ali, S. & Rao, D. N. (2021). “Evolution of the planetary boundary layer and its simulation over a tropical coastal station Kattankulathur (12.83º N, 80.04º E), Theoretical and Applied Climatology,, IF: 3.375

Aravindhavel, A., Mehta, S.K., et al., 2021b

Aravindhavel, A., Mehta*, S. K., Ali, S., Reddy, T. R., Annamali, V., & Rao, D. N. (2021). Micro Pulse Lidar measurements in coincidence with CALIPSO overpasses: Comparison of tropospheric aerosols over Kattankulathur (12.82 oN, 80.04 oE). Atmospheric Pollution Research, 101082., IF: 4.352

Aravindhavel, A., Mehta, S.K., et al., 2021a

Ananthavel, A., Mehta*, S. K., Reddy, T. R., Ali, S., & Rao, D. N. (2021). Vertical distributions and columnar properties of the aerosols during different seasons over Kattankulathur (12.82 oN, 80.04 oE): A semi-urban tropical coastal station.       Atmospheric Environment, 118457. IF: 4.798

Ali, S., Mehta, S.K., et al., 2020

Saleem Ali., S. K. Mehta*, Vanmathi A, Aravindhavel A, Ramesh Reddy (2020). Qualitative observations of the cirrus clouds effect on the thermal structure of the tropical tropopause, JASTP, IF: 1.735

Mehta, S., Mehta, S.K., et al., 2020

Mehta, S., Mehta, S. K*, Singh, S., Mitra, A., Ghosh, S. K., and Raha, S. (2020), Characteristics of the Z –R relationships observed using micro rain radar (MRR-2): A complex terrain region in the Eastern Himalayas, Pure and Applied Geophysics, pp.1-14,, IF 2.335

Reddy, R., Mehta, S.K., et al., 2020

Reddy R., S. K. Mehta*, Ananthavel A, Ali S., Annamalai V., Rao D.N., Seasonal characteristics of sea breeze and thermal internal boundary layer over Indian east coast region, Meteorol Atmos Phys (2020).  IF: 2.065

Mehta, S., Singh, S., et al., 2019

Mehta, S., Singh, S., Mitra, A., Ghosh, S. K., Raha, S., & Mehta, S. K. (2019). Modeling of Raindrop Size Distribution Observed Using Micro Rain Radar Over Darjeeling (27.05 o N, 88.26 o E): An Eastern Himalayan Region. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 1-18., /10.1007/s00024-019-02370-6, IF 2.335.

Mehta, S.K., Ojha, D., et al., 2017

Mehta, S.K*, Ojha, D., Mehta, S., Anand D., Rao D.N., Annamalai V., Ananthavel A, Ali S., Thermodynamic structure of the convective boundary layer (CBL) over the Indian monsoon region during CAIPEEX campaigns (2017), Annales Geophysicae, 35(6), pp. 1361-1379. IF: 1.888

Mehta, S.K., Ratnam, M.V., et al., 2017

Mehta, S. K*., Ratnam, M. V., Sunilkumar, S. V., Narayana Rao, D., and Krishna Murthy, B. V. (2017) Diurnal variability of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer height over a tropical station in the Indian Monsoon Region, Atmos. Chem. Phys, IF 6.133

Mehta, S.K., Fujiwara, M., et al., 2015

Mehta, S. K*., M. Fujiwara, T. Tsuda, J-P. Vernier, (2015), Effect of recent minor volcanic Eruptions on Temperatures in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (2015), J. Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 129, 99-110. IF: 1.735.

Fujiwara, M., Hibino, T., et al., 2015

M. Fujiwara, T. Hibino, S. K. Mehta, L. Gray, D. Mitchell, J. Anstey (2015), Global temperature response to the major volcanic eruptions in multiple reanalysis datasets, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15, 13507-13518, doi 10.5194/acp-15-13507-2015. IF 5.114

Mehta, S.K., Venkat Ratnam, M., and Krishna Murthy, B.V.,  2013

Mehta, S. K., M. Venkat Ratnam, and B. V. Krishna Murthy (2013) Characteristics of the Multiple Tropopauses in the Tropics, JASTP,Volumes 95-96, April 2013, Pages 78-86. IF: 1.506.

Mehta, S.K., Venkat Ratnam, M., and Krishna Murthy, B.V.,  2011

Mehta, S. K., M. Venkat Ratnam, and B. V. Krishna Murthy (2011) Characteristics of the tropical tropopause over different longitudes, JASTP, Volume 73, Issues 17-18, November 2011, Pages 2462-2473. IF: 1.506.

Mehta, S.K., Venkat Ratnam, M., and Krishna Murthy, B.V.,  2011

Mehta, S. K., M. Venkat Ratnam, and B. V. Krishna Murthy (2011) Multiple tropopauses in the tropics A cold point approach, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D20105, doi 10.1029/2011JD016637.

Ratnam, M.V., Basha, G., et al., 2011

Ratnam, M. V., G. Basha, M. R. Raman, S. K. Mehta, B. V. Krishna Murthy, and A. Jayaraman (2011), Unusual enhancement in temperature and ozone vertical distribution in the lower stratosphere observed over Gadanki, India, following the 15 January 2010 annular eclipse, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L02803, doi 10.1029/2010GL045903.

Ratnam, M.V., Basha, G., et al., 2011

Ratnam, M. V., G. Basha, M. R. Raman, S. K. Mehta, D. Nath, B. V. Krishna Murthy, M. Rajeevan, S.Vijaya Bhaskara Rao and D.NarayanaRao  (2011), Sub-daily variations observed in Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ) streams, JASTP, 73, 731-740. IF: 1.506.

Mehta, S.K., Venkat Ratnam, M., and Krishna Murthy, B.V.,  2010

Mehta, S. K., M.Venkat Ratnam, B.V. Krishna Murthy (2010), Variability of the Tropical Tropopause over Indian Monsoon Region, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D14120, doi 10.1029/2009JD012655.

Mehta, S.K., Venkat Ratnam, M., and Krishna Murthy, B.V.,  2013

Mehta, S. K., M. Venkat Ratnam, and B. V. Krishna Murthy (2013) Characteristics of the Multiple Tropopauses in the Tropics, JASTP,Volumes 95-96, April 2013, Pages 78-86. IF: 1.506.

Ramkumar, T.K., Niranjan kumar, K., and Mehta, S.K., 2010

Ramkumar, T. K, K. Niranjan kumar and S. K. Mehta (2010) MST radar observations of characteristics of lower atmospheric high frequency gravity waves passing through the tropical easterly jet, J. Geophys. Res., 115, D24109, doi 10.1029/2009JD013733.

Narayana Rao, D., Venkat Ratnam, M., et al., 2009

Narayana Rao, D, M. Venkat Ratnam, S. K. Mehta, Debashis Nath , Ghouse Basha, V. V. M. Jagannadha Rao, B. V. Krishna Murthy, T. Tsuda and Kenji Nakamura (2009) Validation of the COSMIC data over Gadanki (13.48N, 79.2E) A tropical region, Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 20, 1, 59-70. IF: 0.89.

Mehta, S.K., Krishna Murthy, B.V.,  et al., 2008

Mehta, S. K., B.V. Krishna Murthy, D.Narayana Rao, M.Venkat Ratnam, K. Parameswaran, K. Rajeev, C. Suresh Raju, and Kusuma G Rao(2008) Identification of tropical convective tropopause and its association with cold point tropopause, J. Geophys. Res.,113, D00B04. IF: 5.22.

Rajeev, K., Parameswaran, S., et al., 2008

K. Rajeev, K.Parameswaran, S. Meenu, S.V. Sunilkumar,  Bijoy V. Thampi, C. Suresh Raju, B. V. Krishna Murthy, K. S. Jagannath, S. K. Mehta, D. Narayana Rao, Kusuma G. Rao (2008), Observational assessment of the potential of satellite-based water vapour and thermal IR brightness temperatures in detecting semitransparent cirrus, Geophys. Res. Lett.,35, L08808, doi 10.1029/2008GL033393. IF 4.212.

Narayana Rao, D., Venkat Ratnam, M., et al., 2007

Narayana Rao. D., M. V .Ratnam, B. V. Krishna Murthy, V. V. M.  Jagannadha Rao, S. K. Mehta, Debashis Nath and Ghouse Basha (2007) Identification of Tropopause using Bending Angle profile from GPS Radio Occultation (RO) A Radio Tropopause Geophys. Res. Lett.,34, L15809, doi 10.1029/2007GL029709. IF 4.212.

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